Planogram Management: Retail Shelf Space Optimization For CPG Brands

Stay compliant with standards and eliminate wasted shelf space and potential sales leakages due to poor in-store product placement.

Trusted By Global Brands

The Perpetual Problem That Grapples CPG Manufacturers

Picture this: Your carefully crafted assortments, meticulously designed and manufactured, are sitting on store shelves, but they're not flying off as expected. Why? It's not your product—it's the placement. Inefficient planogram management leads to missed opportunities, lower sales, and frustrated teams.

So, What is Planogram Management?

A planogram is a pictorial depiction of the placement of products on shelves or displays in a retail store. Planogram management involves the creation, implementation, and maintenance of planograms to optimize product placement and drive sales.

The goal of planogram management is to create an effective and appealing layout that encourages customers to purchase products while maximizing the available space and ensuring that products are displayed in a way that meets regulatory requirements.

Planogram Compliance & Management

Planogram compliance is a retailer’s degree of adherence to the planogram protocols prescribed by the retail merchandisers or CPG manufacturers to ensure optimum exposure of products and facilitate product lift-off. It outlines the strategic placement of products, shelves, fixtures, and signage in retail spaces maximizes sales, enhances customer experience, and optimizes space utilization.

Sales and Profitability:

Compliance with planograms optimizes product placement, emphasizing high-demand items, cross-selling opportunities, and promotional offers, thereby enhancing visibility, boosting sales, and maximizing profitability.

Space Efficiency:

Planograms are crafted to maximize shelf space utilization efficiently, reducing clutter, and improving the overall shopping experience by organizing products effectively.

Executing Promotions Effectively:

Adhering to planogram guidelines for promotional displays, product bundling, and seasonal campaigns ensures consistent execution, enhancing promotional impact and effectiveness.

Streamlining Inventory Management:

Following planograms aids in effective inventory management, ensuring proper stocking, reducing out-of-stock instances, and minimizing excess inventory, leading to improved turnover rates and cost efficiency.

Achieving planogram compliance in retail requires a multifaceted approach

Training Store Staff
Regular Compliance Audits
Feedback Loop
Support to Address Deviations

Key Features

Real-Time Analytics

Gain valuable insights into sales trends, and product performance to make informed decisions.

Mobile Compatibility

Access your planograms anytime, anywhere, from any device for ultimate convenience.

Collaborative Platform

Seamless integration with other SFA apps via plug-and-play SDK or deep linking for optimal results.

Benefits At Scale

Track per category planogram adherence to understand per banner, per region, per store compliance

Rank banners, regions, and stores based on the opportunities found on the category shelves.

Generate store-specific real-o-grams to understand and fix shelf space usage.

Set your target SOS and track market SOS for stores where a planogram is not available.

Realtime Analytics to Realtime Actions

Get recommendations on trade payouts based on planogram and assortment adherence.

Convert real-o-grams into planograms and perform instant planogram compliance checks.

Recommend actions to your brokers to improve planogram and assortment compliance.

Get insights into the space utilization by your competition to formulate your strategies.

Experience the Future of Retail Space Optimization with InfiViz. Start Optimizing Today!

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